Little Boots

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Smile, Love, Dream

Little boots has now been open for nearly 2 weeks.  I am loving it.  Thank you for all your 'likes' comments, questions & of course orders.  Knowing that you are receiving beautiful gifts that can be treasured for many years makes me very happy.

A big part of what makes Little boots so special is the personalised messages and the wall art displaying 'quotes' or 'sayings'.  You only have to turn on Facebook to see and read quotes summing up how your friends/family are feeling!  Lets face it words are powerful.  Sometimes a single quote can make you laugh, give you a lift and make you realise you are not alone!! A reminder that no matter how hard the day is, if you can find the humour in it, it will be much easier.

I love having meaningful 'words' around our home, to me they give my home warmth and remind me of the important things in life...not all soppy things the one in my kitchen reads 'Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off' its become a joke in our house how most things I cook are very crispy and a little on the black side!!  Alfie reminds me often he doesn't like the 'crunchy' bits! In my defence its because I cook and try to do the washing, empty the dishwasher, play with the children and check Facebook:)

However, on the more sentimental side I recently had this made for my daughters room and it is for sale on my website...'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely'

I thought it was a good message for Rose to take with her through life & words she will hopefully treasure for a long time.  The 'Family rules' is the next item on my wish list.  There is a selection of word art for sale on my website, but if you have something significant and special to you, please get in touch so we can design the perfect gift for you.

I wanted to share with you my top 5, favourite quotes (for now!), however not all appropriate for the wall!  These are the ones that keep me smiling...

Some days you're the purple minion and some days you're the yellow minion.
and if all else fails I try to remember...
Oops that was 6...
So what is your favourite quote?? 
Thanks for reading, take care
Sam x